

Tomada de decisão, Sistema de Apoio à Decisão, Business Intelligence


In the current scenario, reliable and easily accessible information is essential for the success of an organization. With the aid of technological tools it is possible to effectively store and access information about different areas of the company, thus contributing to the feasibility of a decision-making process with speed and efficiency. Thus, this study aimed to identify the perception of managers of the Support Service for Micro and Small Companies of Paraíba (SEBRAE/PB) on the use of the Business Intelligence (BI) in the decision-making process. Were presented in the study the main concepts linked to decision making, decision support systems, business intelligence and data visualization. In addition, through a quantitative and qualitative research, the perception of managers of the studied company on the use of BI in the process of decision making.


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How to Cite

RAMOS, A., & Martins da Silva Linhares, T. (2023). BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE COMO FERRAMENTA DE APOIO À TOMADA DE DECISÃO NO SEBRAE/PB. Journal of Teaching and Research in Administration and Engineering, 9(2), 20–33. Retrieved from


