



technological maturity level; market attractiveness; promising product; emerging technologies


This article proposes a technological analysis model to evaluate promising technologies, aiming to enhance technology commercialization and transfer between scientific institutions and businesses. The methodology employed an integrated approach with three evaluation levels: Market Attractiveness Level (MAL), Customer Readiness Level, and Technology Readiness Level (TRL). These models were identified through a literature review, and to mitigate subjectivity in the analysis, the study proposed the use of analysis bands with minimum and maximum limits. Additionally, the geometric mean was used to aggregate responses, avoiding the perfect substitution effect among criteria (outliers) that could occur with the use of simple arithmetic mean. This approach provided a better balance between the variables of the evaluation scale, preventing highly discrepant values assigned by one specialist from excessively impacting the analysis index. The results suggest that this new evaluation method may increase the success rate in technology commercialization and transfer, strengthening collaboration between academic researchers and market demands. The study's contribution lies in improving technological analysis, facilitating effective integration between academic research and the business sector, driving technological development and innovation.



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How to Cite

Baptista, L. G., Amaral, L., & Pinheiro-Machado, R. (2023). EXPLORANDO UMA ABORDAGEM MULTIDIMENSIONAL PARA AVALIAÇÃO DE TECNOLOGIAS PROMISSORAS. Journal of Teaching and Research in Administration and Engineering, 9(2), 129–144. https://doi.org/10.51923/repae.v9i2.357


