CONSUMER BEHAVIOR: Needs and motivation in relation to products and services
Behavior. Competition. Consumer.Abstract
The study addresses consumer behavior and its influence on purchasing decisions. Competition is vital to encourage innovation and improve the quality of products and services. The purchase itself involves several steps that the consumer goes through before, during and after purchasing the product or service. In this context, this research sought to answer the following problem: How to identify and meet the hidden needs of consumers? To answer this question, the general objective was established: to maximize the effectiveness of innovation strategies, increasing the company's competitiveness and success in the long term. The research was of an exploratory applied nature, being carried out through a structured, qualitative questionnaire for random people. The results provide valuable insights into consumer behavior and attitudes, emphasizing personal influence, word of mouth, the importance of a competitive offer and quality service, as well as the consumer's responsibility in choosing appropriate products.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriel Alves Mendes, Leandro Gabriel Martins de Almeida, Cláudia Aparecida Machado, Gevair Campos, Lidiane Campos dos Santos (Autor)
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